“The Good Life” video

January 1, 2009 Las Vegas

This was the first release from the Donny & Marie album in 2009.

Love this song!

Love this song, and yes, the lyrics are soo true!! BTW, I DO work at Wal-Mart!! LOL!!

Wow it seems like only yesterday I heard it for the first time. One of my favourite D&M songs.

Great song! By two of my FAVORITE people <3

I think you are actually A Little Bit Country! Sounds good:).

I agree with Cindy, you’re also a great country singer!

Any chance of this one being added to the Vegas show as part of the upcoming changes? 🙂

It’s hard to believe this was almost 10 years ago now. Why is time moving so fast? Are you and Marie recording again? I would love that, in addition to you guys doing your solo cds. But I know how busy you guys are with your careers, families, and adorable grandkids. Only so much time in a day! See you on tour this summer!

Love this video, I can relate to it very much so!! I watch it on YouTube over and over again!!
Thank you Donny & Marie
Bless you both,
#LDS #LDSalso #LongviewTexas

One of my favourite Donny & Marie songs 🙂🎤🎵🎶
