James Bond Bedroom
January 1, 1974 Provo, Utah
Donny has always been a huge James Bond fan. In fact, when he was 16 years old, he motorized almost everything in his room.
Donny loves electronics so he built a workbench in his bedroom but there wasn’t enough space in his room for a bed and a workbench so he came up with a plan to motorized everything. It was a room that even 007 world be jealous of.
- His bed came down from the ceiling but it could only come down half way because of the workbench.
- When the bed was down, two doors would close it all up (one for the bed and one for the workbench) so it looked like a wall when both doors were closed.
- He had a bookcase at the foot of his bed that could also be lowered to the workbench area.
- Since the bed could only come down half way, he built an elevator that would lift him up to the bed so there was no need for a ladder.
- His closet retracted into the ceiling
- And many more high tech things.
An amazing bed & such great pictures & you even had your purple socks on 💜